UPCOMING EVENTS: Thanksgiving Weekend
Best wishes to my sister, Emileigh of the band Chiasm, who celebrates her birthday today. Happy Birthday!
It's that time of year again where we all give thanks for family and friends, and it's also a time to reflect on what we have for ourselves.
Aside from spending time with my family over the Thanksgiving weekend, the activity I will do most over this holiday is entertain those who have a profound appreciation of music. The thanks I recieve from people every week in the club make the hobby more than worthwhile for me, and the least I can do is express gratitude in return. Thank you.
I'm very excited for this upcoming Thanksgiving holiday weekend:
WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 24 will be spent entertaining you on "the biggest bar night of the year," The Night Before Thanksgiving Bash alongside resident DJ Jon Noble at Luna. The two of us will each be doing what it is we do best by providing you with a collection of Alternative, Industrial, Elektro and Indie tracks that will keep you moving on the dance floor all night. Doors at 9pm, 21+, $3. No cover before 10pm.
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26 is a holiday vacation for Luna's resident DJ Matt, who will be out of town. I'll be entertaining the masses with Alternative Decadence featuring the best in Alternative, Industrial, Elektro, Brit-Pop and Indie. DJ Matt and DJ Bill Paskins will resume their regular Friday schedule the following week. Featured drink special includes $2 Labatt's 'til midnight. Doors at 9pm, 21+, $3. No cover before 10pm.
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27 my residency at Luna continues (over 2 years running) with The Best In Alternative Dance. DJ Paul will entertain you from 9-10:30pm with music from WXOU's Star Sail program and beyond, then I hit the decks from 10:30 'til close. "Dollar drink specials" will be announced every half-hour. Doors at 9pm, 21+, $3. No cover before 10pm.
I hope to see you at Luna over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend!
Thanks for signing up!
CHRIS ROHN - 29 MAY 2006 [download]
It may have been 100 degrees in that tent but it sure was fun throwing a bunch of tunes out there as an official part of Movement '06 at Hart Plaza. The folks at Paxahau and Dark Course Productions were kind enough to invite me as a part of the industrial showcase at the Real Detroit Stage.
CHRIS ROHN - 28 DECEMBER 2005 [download]
A definite change in direction for the mix tape series, but also much more in line with what I have been into personally in the last year. A lot of *cough* major *cough* label artists on this one, but the majority of them are definitely overlooked and deserve a bit of promotion. Enjoy it.
CHRIS ROHN - 08 AUGUST 2004 [download]
"08 August 2004" was going to be that one mix that I was going to spend a lot of time on, get it right, and release to the public. While the levels are a bit imperfect at times, the flow paints a great overall picture of my continued change in direction regarding my taste in music.
CHRIS ROHN - 25 MAY 2003 [download]
This is the set as presented at Hart Plaza on the 25th of May, 2003. The Eclectic Productions crew was kind enough to invite me to be a part of their production at the plaza during the Movement Festival. This mix fuses instrumental EBM with today's aggressive industrial tracks.
CHRIS ROHN - 05 OCTOBER 2002 [download]
Style and form progress in this mix... a weaving of textures not typically heard together make this one unique. This disc tops them all. Feindflug, Aghast View, Clear Vision, Aiboforcen, Conjure One, System 22, Funker Vogt, Cenobita, Noisex, NCC, Dulce Liquido, Covenant and Evils Toy.
CHRIS ROHN - 08 OCTOBER 2001 [download]
Starting with a mix of independant bands CYRX and Torch, the rest just fell into place. This mix was made two days before an era of unemployment, and I listened to it time and time again for a few months until I started re-evaluating style, direction and methods in 2002.
CHRIS ROHN - 15 SEPTEMBER 2000 [download]
Chris Rohn's demo tape which ultimately gave him residency at the Leland City Club. Featured artists include Melotron, Zero Defects, Funker Vogt, Velvet Acid Christ, Icon of Coil, KMFDM, Evils Toy, Claire Voyant, Biopsy, Covenant, And One, VNV Nation and Apoptygma Berzerk.
chrisrohn [at] chrisrohn [dot] com |
- PLAYLIST: Friday, November 5, 2004
- MERCHANDISE: 'Tis the season.
- EVENT UPDATES: Schedule changes for November.
- PLAYLIST: Saturday, October 30, 2004
- EVENT: Luna Halloween Bash!
- PLAYLIST: Saturday, October 23, 2004
- PLAYLIST: Saturday, October 16, 2004
- PLAYLIST: Saturday, October 2, 2004
- PLAYLIST: Saturday, September 11, 2004
- MERCHANDISE: The return of AngryWear
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